I was grocery shopping today and the store was very busy. I was looking for a checkout line to get in and I saw a woman with a shirt that said "Faith not Fear". I loved the shirt, it reminded me of the spiritual message that here on earth there is only Fear and Love and that Love is the only thing that is real. I connected the word Faith with Love and I thought the shirt should read Love not Fear, but that got me thinking.... the word Faith is probably more acceptable to most than the word Love. People seem to be weirded out when the word "Love" is used. I think they may have been taught or learned somewhere that Love is mushy romantic feelings or just a "New Age" term being used too much. They may feel that to Love others means you have to be all touchy feely with them. That is not the case. We Love each other simply by respecting each other and by caring about what happens to others. It can be as simple as feeling compassion for people injured in an accident or praying for those killed in an explosion. It can also be holding the door for the person behind You. Love can be as simple and complex as you want to make it. As corny as it may sound, Love is what makes the world go round. I suggest you try to use the word Love more in your conversations, see how it feels. I bet you will begin to feel lighter and much more happy. Try it and let me know what happens.
Love and Light!!
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