Monday, May 22, 2017

Divine Guidance...

I have been thinking about Divine Guidance and how it shows up in our lives.  Some people think that Divine Guidance can only come in the form of a burning bush or a vision but we are Divinely guided every day.  Divine Guidance can be the coffee that spills on the counter and makes you head out the door a few minutes late only to realize that you just missed a serious traffic accident.  It can also show up as a billboard or sign along your route to work that reminds you to make a doctor appointment or call a friend you haven't spoken to for some time.  It can be a song that answers a prayer or question that is on your mind.  One morning I was in my car getting ready to leave for work, I asked Michael the Archangel to protect me through my day, I turned on the car and my radio began playing the song  One Call Away by Charlie Puth.  I heard, I'm only one call away, I'll be there to save the day, Superman got nothing on me, I'm only one call away.  I started to laugh and cry with joy, my prayer was being answered.    Divine Guidance can also come in our dreams, one night I had a dream I was at work and there were people I knew from work and some of my family members at my workplace, when I woke up I remembered all the people who were in my dream.  I knew there was a reason I remembered all the different people in the dream.  I thought about the connection of the people, what they had in common, they all had the same astrological sign, Taurus.  At that moment I heard, there is a lot of bull around you.  I laughed out loud.

We are Divinely Guided everyday, think about the ways you are guided.  Share your stories of Divine Guidance in the comment section.

Love and Light.

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