Sunday, April 30, 2017

Proof of Oneness.....

Recently at a meeting of a Spiritual Group, of which I am a member, there was a discussion on Oneness.  This is a topic that is often discussed in our Group.  One of the Members was discussing water and how it is important to us in more ways then we know, and how it is important to everything.  This reminded me of an article I read a few years ago (not sure of the author or where it was published).  The article was on the subject of water molecules and their link to our being.  The main gist of the article was that we are mostly water and that the water molecules that are part of our being are connected with all water molecules and that we can communicate with the water molecules.

The article went on to give a way to prove this connection.  The proof was in the ability of a person to communicate with a cloud and ask it to disperse.  How this is done is that you focus on a cloud in the sky and you ask the water molecules that are in your being to communicate with the water molecules of the cloud and you ask the cloud to disperse for you.  This may seem far fetched, but I tried it, and it worked!  I focused on a cloud, I chose a smaller cloud, and I asked the water molecules in me to connect with the water molecules in the cloud and asked the cloud to disperse.  I watched the cloud thinking it would probably not happen, and all of a sudden the cloud began to fade away.  I thanked the cloud and the molecules for showing me that it was possible.

To me this is just more proof of our Oneness, we are all connected to each other and to everything in our universe.

Next time you are relaxing by the pool or at the beach, give it a try.  Let me know what happens.

As always, Love and Light!

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