What is going on?
It has been awhile since I have posted. What a year 2020!! I have heard many people ask why is this happening? I have some thoughts on the subject. These are my thoughts, take what resonates and leave the rest.
When we were placed under the first lockdown and did not know much about the virus, I went inside and asked why is this happening. The first message I got, back in the spring of 2020, was that the earth needed to heal and that humans needed to slow down to give nature time to heal. We saw the results of being in lockdown on nature very quickly. The air and water cleared, and animals were able to move about more freely.
The second message I received, within the last few months, is that we have a lesson to learn and this will not get under control until the lesson has been learned. The lesson is simply, respect and love one another enough to do what is necessary for the good of all.
We all miss being with our extended families and going out to our favorite restaurants or traveling, but can we make the sacrifice for the good of all? Can we love all? We seemed to be able to do it for a few weeks in the spring, but after that people became aggravated. It came back to what they wanted on an individual level and not for the greater good.
Once we all realize that we have to do what is best for everyone, things will ease up and life will get back some kind of normalcy.
Just pondering...
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