Sunday, March 19, 2017

Inspiration from a Ghost Box...

I picked up a friend to go to a class on Reincarnation I have been attending.  My friend had purchased a new app for her phone which is a ghost hunting app.  One of the features is a program that allows Spirit  to use words on the device.  The device was running in the car while we were on our way to pick up more classmates.  It began to say words.  I was wondering if it would answer a question I posed in my thoughts.  I asked, in my head, if the teacher that was giving the class is the image of one of my Spirit Guides. 

Some background on the question -- one night while asleep, I was given the opportunity to meet two of my Spirit Guides.  One of the Guides, the most experienced one, was shown to me as an older man with white hair, tall, serious but kind face, and was dressed in a shirt and tie. I realized after beginning the reincarnation class that the teacher is the image of my Guide, with the exception of the shirt and tie.  My teacher has a more relaxed wardrobe.  Back to the question...

After I asked the question in my head the device said Sacred.  I was floored.  I had not told my friend that I was asking a question in my head.  I then told her what I did and she was excited.

That word got me thinking.  My relationships with my guides are Sacred, my relationships with my family are Sacred, my relationship with the teacher of the class is Sacred, this teacher, through conversations and information in the class, has triggered many aha moments in regard to my spiritual journey.  I started thinking about all the Sacred relationships in my life. 

That made me think about the times when you hear someone say something like "Be careful not to upset that person they are very Sacred to someone" or "Be careful not to break that, it is very Sacred to someone".  We all have many Sacred people and items that remind us of someone we love.  We cherish them and do not want that Sacredness destroyed on tarnished by another.  What if we realized that everyone is Sacred just by being alive, and that they are also Sacred to others.  Maybe we would think twice about how we treat them and would be more respectful of them just because they are Sacred.  After all, we all are part of God, that alone proves we are all Sacred.

Let us all look for the Sacredness in each other.  Love and Light.

1 comment:

  1. Love this. We are all sacred. Every moment is sacred.
