Sunday, February 12, 2017

Let's talk about Love...

With Valentine’s Day upon us I thought it appropriate to talk about Love. When Valentine’s Day nears everyone thinks of romantic love.  Who will be my Valentine?  I wish I had a Valentine, etc., however they seem to forget about the most important person to love, oneself.
Why is it so hard to love yourself?  It is so much easier to have compassion for others than it is to feel it for yourself.  Is it just because we have been taught that it is selfish to care about yourself, that you should put others first?  I am realizing that when we put others first and give others the love we do not give ourselves we are stealing from our own self-worth.
I have learned that loving others without loving myself only makes me feel less valuable, always questioning if others love me and wanting them to show that they care, when what I really need to do is love myself and do things that are good for my soul, that way it will not matter if others love me or not, my self-worth will be self-given.

When we love ourselves we don’t have the nagging self-doubt, the criticisms constantly playing in our head, it is then much easier to give love to others.  It is easier to give ourselves fully to others when we are not constantly judging ourselves and critiquing every move we make.  If we see the love in ourselves then we will see the love in everyone.  We all deserve to be loved. 
This Valentine’s Day do something nice for yourself, look in the mirror and appreciate the person looking back at you. 

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. People need to realize this about one's self to move forward in life. If you don't love yourself how can you truly love others.
