Saturday, August 27, 2016

Cell Phones and Spirituality

We all know or have heard that it is important to live in the moment, to be present, but in reality we have lost the ability to look up. Technology is awesome, it brings us closer to those who are far away but at the same time puts more distance between us and those who are right in front of us.  Cell phones, tablets, watches with tv, etc. have given us bent head syndrome.  Walking down the street, eating in a restaurant, sitting on the beach, even parents on children’s amusement rides are looking at their devices and are definitely not living in the moment.  No one is communicating with each other or even enjoying the world around them.  We need to look up from our devices, eat dinner with our families and have a conversation, notice how beautiful our neighborhood is as we walk down the street, and see our children’s faces as they ride the mini rollercoaster for the first time.  Then send that text.


  1. Can you tell what color eyes the person across from you has if they're looking at their phones ?? Look at the people, your friends and family. They won't be there forever.

  2. These days when I see a mom or dad walking their child in a stroller 80% of the time they are talking on their damn phone instead of talking to their infant, pointing out trees, flowers, cars and houses.

  3. You nailed it! And how do we go about correcting this situation with the electronics?

  4. It starts at home with our family and friends. We have to make a conscious effort to be present with each other. It is great to be able to contact our loved ones in seconds and to keep updated with each others life, but you cannot see emotion in a text. To see the joy in someone's eyes, or to know that someone is hurting by the tone of their voice and need you to be present, is what we are here to experience.
